
Bonjour beautiful people.
You may be reading this as a follower of Lulabell (if not, the 'Join this site' button is at the side bar somewhere) or you may just of come across it. Either way, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. Ok…
Hello, my name is Lucy and I am a new comer of the blogging world, (I have enjoyed it so much, so far!). Fashion. I love fashion so much and would love to pursue it, as a career in the future. I would like to be a Stylist or Buyer for the fashion world! As I love Fashion so much, I thought I would share it with you guys.

Organic Beauty. Even though my Mumma is a bit 'quirky', she has always been right about Organic Beauty, and has educated it to me, a lot…and I mean a lot! I now share a huge interest in it and wouldn't prefer it any other way. Being a Posh Organic Girl' is best! In every way.

Thoughts and Advice. In the near future, I would like to write posts about my Thoughts and Advice for you. One week, if I'm feeling like I would want to share my thoughts about something, I think I will!  e.g. Maybe a view close to my heart, even something on the news etc. A random post may be some advice for all you out there. Kids, Teens, Adults.

I started blogging purely on the fact, I admire many other bloggers and I thought I would give it a shot. How hard can it be? *giggles*. In the early stages, I know I may only get a few members, but that fact alone, it is amazing some people want to hear what I want to say, you don't know how magnificent that feeling is going to be for me! Thank you


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